Friday, January 29, 2010

random !!!!!!! big tym !

i mean, how lucky can you even try to get ! when you have sooper cool friends laughing their asses off at the most ridiculous pj you have said ... well, i am lucky.. it seems, lady luck has been pretty impressively beaming down on me, esp in the friendship department....
a hard day attending classes, filled with voltages and currents would definitely get the better of your already lost brain.. especially when your repeated quests for a mass bunk falls light on deaf ears.. its when your chuddi buddies come to rescue.. meeting them after barely 18 hours seems very little to satiate the centuries of mental 'chamatkaar'(read, its just 3 lectures and am already off!!!) .. even Rancho would agree, its a lot of fun to gain knowledge, but definitely not when you know every detail, but the subject content at hand... any drop in signal sends half the planet(read, student community) to deep psychic frenzy... as it is the only and perhaps the best rated time to work upon ones interpersonal communication and stenography skills !.. world feels like "jag soona soona lage".. and heart toh is already a bachha...
its during these effortlessly designed suicidal situations when geniuses are born... right from organising the best imaginative party to giving the world famous fashion labels and designers a run for their money , virtually of course! accomplished right on the last pages of notebooks , without even bating an eyelid..
as the famed and over enthusiastic reading mass gleefully tries to pen down and understand (and/or memorize) the not-so-xtra techie facts and figures, its the rest of the supposedly lazy asses that dream big.. think big.. and well, definitely yawn big !!!
birds of the same feather flock together.. and when they come from variety of departments.. the flock is more than just rangeela ! .. discussion about everything related to the worthless of issues and crappiest of things seem gigantically tempting.. and the facades of sanity make way to play catch-catch with Alice.. pity her.. stuck in some wonderland!!! friends definitely form a backbone when you are short of almost everything.. right from paying for that extra cup of coffee to .. well.. even i dunno what ...
but at the end of the day.. you realize how unnaturally natural it is for the dil to frantically search for people who care.. who matter the most... 'coz its only then that the day actually kicks off ...


  1. before my day starts, I can feel its already over. Time is always scanty in such lives......

  2. @anonymous someone ... its ok... aal izz well :)

  3. liked the genius part. ruefully it is true. you dont learn swimming till you start drowning.

    totally agree with the unanturally natural part 2. but i don get how ur day starts off den. ofcourse if u mean it as the part of the day u myt just remember well then thats sumthin else.

    ps: lots of music in ur post huh? :P

  4. Nothing like a nice friend to share your thoughts. Have a nice cuppa coffee, a clear calm blue sky, and a close friend to listen to your rantings. Priceless.
