Thursday, January 28, 2010

jus ignore if yu hv better wrk 2 do !!

it seems so amusingly weird .. how our minds work.. fragments of events portray a game of hide and seek almost every fleeting second... a lot can happen over coffee.. and when it comes to sipping a double coffee, even "a lot" fades to obscurity..
i wonder how Newton or rather what was he doing when he made the fantastic observation.. "an apple falls due to some random scientific jargon , "gravity" "... or better, why did poor dear Einstein had to shut himself up in his room just to end up with 3 letters, 1 numeric and 1 symbol character !.. err, just in-case i caught you scratching your head (which i obviously didn't).. i was referring to the revolutionary relationship created "e=mc2"..
thinking about it.. those smart chaps did definitely do some really good job.. else why would i be writing brainless phrases .. that do nothing good, if not bad.. sipping a mug of hot coffee !!!!

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